Happiness inspires productivity!
When you walk into your office, you commit to 8 hours of confinement to a workspace. While it is true that this brings discipline and increases productivity at work, it is also true that a few physical health risks tag along.
With this idea as the foundation, Monarch came up with innovative design spaces which not only aid flexibility but also facilitate small workout sessions.
Here are the top 2 small work out sessions you can perform at work without breaking a sweat.
- The 6 Minute Magic
Yes, you read that right. Just 6 minutes!
- First Minute: Prepare
All you have to do is get up from your desk, find a small place where you can spend the rest of your 5 minutes for and walk to that place.
- Second Minute: Breathe
Take deep breaths and make sure your heart-rate is at a normal pace before you begin your workout.
- Third Minute: Stretch
Stretch out your arms, legs and back. This will get the blood flowing and you can avoid any muscle sprain during your workout.
- Fourth Minute: Lift weights, Do Push-ups
The fourth minute is the most important minute of your 6 minute routine. This is when you actually perform your workout. Choose one workout for the day, it could be lifting weights, doing push-ups or anything else. Perform it for one minute.
- Fifth Minute: Increase the intensity
The fifth minute is the minute that will effectively make a difference. Increase the intensity of your workout in this minute and stay focused while doing so.
- Sixth Minute: Relax
The Sixth Minute is when you relax, breathe and return to your desk.
This workout will not only help you with your physical health but will also help you stay active throughout the day. This 6 Minute Workout routine has also proven to yield higher rates of productivity.
- The Ultimate Flex
Challenge yourself to achieve the fit body of your dreams with the easy 5!
- Hamstring Stretches: These stretches target the back of your legs. It’s best to do them at the end of a workout.
- Glutes Stretches: These exercises are great for back pain relief as they help in opening up tight hips. For glutes stretches you could use a foam roller. “Foam rollers are simple tools that help you stretch easily and effectively.
- Shoulder Stretches: Being seated in the same place for long hours can tighten up those shoulder muscles. Ease them out with shoulder rolls and rotations; the best to give relief for tight shoulders.
- Abdominal Stretches: Tired from all the stretches? It’s quite helpful to stretch your abs post a core workout to prevent soreness or pain the next day.
- Neck Stretches:While being seated for long hours, there’s only so much stretching one could do. Stretch the sides of the neck for instant relief. Straighten your arms and pull away slightly. Hold the stretch for about 30 seconds, release and switch sides.
Small workouts during office hours will work like magic in your personal and professional life.
Try them and let us know if they worked.
All the best!